Let’s Do Something About Poverty, Together

Though we live in an affluent city, in an affluent county, in an affluent state, there are still people in this community that struggle every day with putting food on their table, ensuring that they have a safe place to live, and getting to and from their jobs. Some struggle daily with a benefit system that can be difficult to navigate. Still more people are one missed paycheck or car repair away from a crippling financial crisis.
How can I help? What can I do? These are questions that I’ve asked myself so many times. The biggest take away for me is that the even though this problem is complex, there are concrete steps that individuals can take to make real progress toward understanding challenges and collaborating on solutions.
It all starts with a conversation.
Join me for Let’s Talk About Poverty, Wed., Feb. 17 6pm at the Loft. This is a free event, but reservations are recommended.