2016 a Music Hall year in review

Film is a big part of our programing, from our beloved Telluride by the Sea film festival that brings the movies everyone is talking about to Portsmouth before they go anywhere else, to our Film Club that this year celebrated great comic and the comedy movies they made and then took and in depth look at the man, the myth, the legend Jack Nicholson, and when you add to that list the steady stream of thought provoking movies that make up our extraordinary cinema series. I would have to say that my favorite part of film at TMH last year was the Internet Cat Film Festival. While I loved seeing all of the adorably hysterical cat videos, I loved how many of you took part in the #MeowsicHall Challenge. Scrolling through the 200 entries of your fabulous felines was so much fun and let me tell you how difficult it was to pick a winner.
For those of you who regularly read this blog, you know how much I love the Writers series that we have both at the Historic Theater and the Loft, this year, there were so many great authors and books to read, from Lauren Weisberger who wrote The Devil Wears Prada, to Mario Batali and his new cookbook, to youtube sensation Grace Helbig, and iconic newscaster Lesley Stahl. For me, meeting Judy Blume was and will be the highlight of not just my year, but my time at The Music Hall. Rarely do you get to meet the people who shaped your childhood, and I’d assume that it’s even rarer that they exceed your expectations.
This past year, as Portsmouth celebrated the 200th anniversary of the Seacoast Family Food Pantry, we hosted the second annual Fill The Hall food drive. With all of your help, we were able to raise about eight tons of food to help provide local school aged children have healthy meals during the summer. Watching the theater and stage fill up is always such a rewarding moment for all of us. We are so looking forward to June, our hope it to raise 10 tons this year.
Here on the blog, we launched the #MyMusicHall series where we talked to several members of the community to find out what The Music Hall means to them. Sitting in on the interviews and hearing so many diverse stories has been such a great experience and I am so excited to share more videos in the new year.
With all of the hype for the live action Beauty and the Beast movie coming out in a few months, my six year old self was super excited for the Ogunquit Playhouse at The Music Hall’s production of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast to dance on to our stage last month. What can I say about it that I haven’t already blogged about, it was just everything that I could have wished for it to be and more. Perhaps my favorite part was working with Catherine Charlebois, who starred as Belle, as she took over our Instagram account. Following along as she showed off what a day in her life is like was a fun way to see what it’s like to be a Broadway actor. It was a tough choice between that and Monte’s #WhatTheBelle challenge video however…
Melissa Etheridge, Pink Martini, Trombone Shorty, Chris Botti, and Sarah Mclachlan are just a few of the superstars that took the stage at the Historic Theater in 2016. Across the street at the Loft, my personal favorite John Moreland came back (if you still haven’t listened to him yet, do yourself a favor and check him out), as did Air Traffic Controller, and who could forget Margo Price, who is currently on top of every best of list out there. The live music that we’ve had here has been nothing short of amazing and from what I’m hearing 2017 is going to be just as fantastic.
Last but certainly not least, this year we got a brand new popcorn, that’s not just gluten free and GMO free, but delicious. We’ve been popping this new popcorn for the last couple of months and there are all sorts of great flavors you can add to it.
Thanks to all of you for making last year so great, and here’s to 2017!