An even brighter future awaits!

It’s been a great ride! I’ve been lucky to serve The Music Hall as executive director, producer, interviewer, emcee, and talent wrangler for 16 years. I am filled with gratitude for the kindness and support all of you have shown me; it’s been a group effort from the beginning and I am thankful for our time together.
Together, we’ve seen the magic of the theater come to light beneath a sparkling chandelier. Under decades of paint, cherubs and hopeful skies emerged. Outside, a glowing marquee shines on the revitalized street all the way down to the cherry on top, the Chestnut Street Arch. Every year, hundreds of live shows and art-house films appear before audiences, which in turn, support the many local businesses and restaurants night after night. Signature series like Intimately Yours continue to draw internationally recognized artists and the award-winning Writers on a New England Stage series showcases bestselling authors in a rollicking radio show format in partnership with NH Public Radio. And every holiday season, our partnership with the Ogunquit Playhouse brings Broadway actors and dancers to the Seacoast (and a whimsical snow flurry inside!).
Together, we made the impossible happen. The Music Hall’s successes wouldn’t have happened without the endless help and support of its Board of Trustees, staff of arts professionals, committed sponsors, devoted and dedicated volunteers, and you, our beloved members. Together, we turned a run-down theater with scant resources into a fully professional, nationally-renowned performing arts center and vibrant community treasure. And together, we will navigate this current crisis. I know you will take all of our accomplishments to heart and remain devoted to supporting the theater’s future by embracing our new executive director and the management team. Your support will be key next year and The Music Hall’s next chapter won’t be one to miss!
We’re looking forward to the day we are all back. Just think about the soft glow of the lower lobby’s whimsical lights, fresh popcorn and a thirst-quenching drink from concessions, settling into the red velvet seats with family and friends. That moment when the crowd erupts in cheers and applause that lifts the spirits and the band strikes that first note. I know you’ll be there.
On June 30, I will hand over the keys to Tina Sawtelle and devote my creative energy to working on other arts and cultural projects that are meaningful to me. But don’t worry, I will still be an active supporter of The Music Hall.
And so by the light of the ever-sparkling chandelier, I take my bow. Thank you for welcoming me into your community and for trusting me with your beloved treasure for 16 amazing years. I’m eternally grateful.