The Music Hall


Back to School Reading List: Powers, Bierman & Keim, and Kushner

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Show & Tell: Leave No Trace Show & Tell

Show & Tell: Leave No Trace

Okay, New England! It’s the time of year to shake the sand out of your pockets, fold up the beach umbrella, and load the station wagon for home. September is showing us how the change-of-seasons thing is done, with a string of days in the 70s and nights in the 60s. Time to dig out that box of sweaters and prepare for the gradual departure of your tan line. Read More Read More
Show & Tell: Hearts Beat Loud Show & Tell

Show & Tell: Hearts Beat Loud

School is back in session, an expression that can still send a slight chill down my spine even after an embarrassing number of decades later. Yes, there’s still the Labor Day weekend, but there’s always a touch of the melancholy about that last three-day gulp of freedom. Whoever the astronomer was who decreed that summer lasts until September 21 clearly didn’t live in New England. Read More Read More
Show & Tell: Won't You Be My Neighbor? Show & Tell

Show & Tell: Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

The meaning of the last two weeks of August changes depending on which stage of life you’re in. For the young, it’s the bittersweet tail end of a period of delicious vacation, with the prospect of old people trying to teach you stuff for months on end, an idea that seems spectacularly dumb because of Google! Read More Read More
Show & Tell: The Rider Show & Tell

Show & Tell: The Rider

Yes, that quiet knocking on the door is actually August, ready to be flipped into position on your calendar. For sun worshippers and devotees of summer activities, it’s a sign to floor the accelerator of the summer ride, ‘cause even with the global climate in flux, autumn in New England doesn’t always wait its turn in September. Read More Read More
Show & Tell: Let The Sunshine In Show & Tell

Show & Tell: Let The Sunshine In

It’s July and there is sun to enjoy, drinks are being served on decks and patios, boats and kayaks are beckoning from the harbor, and there’s sand begging to be lain upon. So why am I inviting you to sit in a darkened theater and watch a movie? Let’s see how short I can make this. Read More Read More
Filmworker Show & Tell

Show & Tell Tonight for Filmworker

Okay, here’s the setup. It turns out that during his legendary career of turning out pretty much nothing but masterpieces, Stanley Kubrick had an assistant named Leon Vitali. Vitali started out as an actor but gave up his career to spend two decades as Kubrick’s assistant, man-of-all-work, and enabler. Read More Read More

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