Desk Tour: Sara Turner

The basics:
Name = Sara Turner
Position = Institutional Giving Manager and Corporate Liaison
Time at TMH = @ 3 months
KS: Tell me about your desk? What is/ are your favorite thing(s) on your desk.
ST: My desk is awash in projects in progress. I have post-it reminders stuck everywhere, reference materials tacked on my board, and piles of file folders. I respect those who keep their desks bare and tidy but I can’t live like that!
As far as office supplies, I like things to be functional but I think they should also be aesthetically pleasing. And I need my things to be stimulating. I can’t work in a sterile environment! I like my kleenex-box house, my squirrel pencil sharpener, my wind-ups, my rice-paper light cover, and my new terrarium.
KS: What do you think your desk say about your personality?
ST: I hope it suggests that I am creative and fun. I am afraid it suggests I am immature and messy!
How did you land at The Music Hall?
ST: I believe in using my resources to make a difference and I am confident I can do that here.
KS: If you had to sum up your job as our Institutional Giving Manager and Corporate Liaison in a sentence how would you do that?
ST: As a grant writer and a member of the Development team, I am responsible for building The Music Hall’s relationships with the corporate and foundation community.
What show are you most looking forward to seeing in the 2016-2017 season?
ST: I’m looking forward to the School Days Series because I am excited to introduce my kiddo to the joys of live theater!
KS: If you could do any job in the world, regardless of talent/ ability what would you do?
ST: I could have any job, I would want to be the director of an art factory, a la Andy Warhol.
KS: What would you consider to be your spirit animal?
ST: I ate my spirit animal on a pretzel roll (just like Aesop Rock).
KS:What is your most used Emoji?
ST: I’m still rockin’ the flip phone so no emojis for me!