Desk Tour: Wesley Lovell

The basics:
Name: Wesley Lovell
Position: Sales Manager and Ticketing Concierge
Time at TMH: April was my 14-month anniversary (but who’s counting?).
Kait Smith: Tell me about your desk? What is/ are your favorite thing(s) on your desk.
Wesley Lovell: Because our desks are so public in the box office, and because it’s pretty common that we work at each other’s computers, we don’t get much opportunity to really jazz up our desks with knick-knacks. However, we each have our own little touches to our spaces to make them a little more individual. I have a pair of googly eyes on the corner of my computer that I love. They make me happy whenever I notice them.
KS: What do you think your desk say about your personality?
WL: I’ll confess that I’m not the most organized person, so I usually keep the papers that I need (calendars, event information, etc.) in a pile that kind of floats around my workspace. I also have post-it’s in easily-seen spots to remind me of upcoming deadlines, events, etc.
KS: How did you land at The Music Hall?
WL: I was working in the box office at an opera company and feeling like I needed a change of pace. I had visited the Seacoast area a few time on vacations and had heard good things about The Music Hall, and one day just happened to check out our website to see if there were any job openings that I was interested in and qualified for. And as luck would have it, there was!
KS: If you had to sum up your job as our Sales Manager and Ticketing Concierge in a sentence how would you do that?
WL: I help make people happy. While I can’t always make someone’s dreams of sitting in the front row for their favorite singer come true, I do what I can to get folks great seats and to make the process of doing so as painless as possible.
KS: If you could do any job in the world, regardless of talent/ ability what would you do?
WL: I think it would be a lot of fun to be an architect. Ever since I was young, I’ve been interested by homes and buildings, and in my head it’s a bit like getting to play House Hunters every day – you get to design something and then go through it in your head and think “Yes, I love this!” or “This doesn’t really work.” Plus, I think it would be fun to try and take that element of building a fantasy home and trying to figure out a way to make it practically possible in a way that isn’t offensive to the senses.
KS: Rumor has it you’re an Opera Fan, what is your all time favorite Opera and why?
WL: I don’t think I could ever get tired of Madama Butterfly. The music is gorgeous and the story is fantastic. I think it’s the only opera I’ve seen repeatedly where I consistently cry at the end (which is a good thing, I promise!).
KS: What would you consider to be your spirit animal?
WL: I’ve always liked bears. Maybe it was watching The Jungle Book too much as a kid, but they’ve always seemed so nice and friendly to me (although I know they can be rather dangerous in the wild). I actually was lucky enough to be able to feed a bear once on a trip to the Lincoln Park Zoo, which was amazing. And any animal that enjoys eating and hibernating that much can’t be all bad as far as I’m concerned.
KS: What is your most used Emoji
WL: Probably the thumbs-up emoji, but I’ve been using the sunglasses-smile a lot lately (I’ve been hoping to lure better weather out of hiding!).