Experiencing Lone Bellow at the Historic Theater

What makes going to a concert at The Music Hall unique, you ask? First and foremost, the theater itself. It’s that kind of red velvet seated, wood floored theatre you imagine would have been a popular spot in the early 20th century. It’s truly a nostalgic experience. Another perk is the price. The tickets here are so much less expensive than if you went to see the same show in Boston or NYC. This past year, I went to see The Lone Bellow at The House of Blues,the tickets were $37 at The Music Hall, they were $25 and I didn’t have to drive to Boston. As a poor college student, those extra $12 bought me 12 whole packets of ramen. You can’t beat that.
I also love how the Hall is so intimate. Few venues allow the performers to play part of their set unplugged. When the three performers stepped forward from the mics, the mood of the whole room shifted, every single person in the audience was transfixed. That is something that could only happen at a venue like The Music Hall.
I would also say that the venue’s staff and the people who attend these concerts make or break an experience. The staff at the Hall were extraordinarily kind as were the audience members. I truly felt like the whole room was connected on some fantastic musical level.
If you haven’t been to a concert at The Music Hall, do yourself a favor. Make a night out of it. Take advantage of all the fine dining around Portsmouth beforehand! The possibilities are endless here, don’t miss out.