Film discussion: Certain Women

Reichardt’s films, which include highly regarded mini-masterpieces like Meek’s Cutoff, Old Joy, and Wendy and Lucy, aren’t like those of any other director. Specifically, Reichardt isn’t much interested in action or explosions or moving stories along to big finales. The journeys she wants to take us on are deep dives into the minds and lives of her characters.
Reichardt’s movies are so quiet that the impact of what you’re seeing sometimes takes a little time to hit you. But when you get to the end of one of her movies, these characters will be so real for you that you will be fully involved in their lives. And your brain will be ringing with a need to talk about it.
Personally, I have to admit to a preference for movies with more structure and more stuff happening and a clear end point. But over the years of doing discussions of Reichardt’s work (always at The Music Hall, of course), I have learned to trust her. I never turn down an opportunity to see one of her movies, because I know I will be deeply moved by what she wants to show me.
In Certain Women, the ostensible subject is three women living in small Montana towns. In one story, Laura Dern plays a lawyer dealing with a hostage situation and a cranky client. In another, Michelle Williams and her husband uncover some marital tension when they try to build a new home. And in the third, another lawyer played by Kristen Stewart forms an attachment to a young ranch hand who’s attending her adult education class.
That’s about as much as I know about the movie, but that’s enough. I know that Reichardt’s certain women will have trouble with men and society and themselves, and I will root for them and cringe with them and forge ahead with them. It will be a treat.
I hope to see you there, which will be at 7:00 in The Music Hall Loft. And that will be pretty much it for discussions in December. The Music Hall will be lit up with special events and stage shows and such. And Eagle Huntress, which I had hoped to discuss on December 27, will have to soar without me, since my holiday travel plans have taken me elsewhere during that week.
But believe me, we have a full slate of excellent films to help us get through January! I’ll send a message after the presents are unwrapped so you can mark your calendars.