Film Discussion: Whiplash

A few weeks ago, Whiplash was something of an insider’s movie, talked about by film buffs who appreciated its dark genius, but pretty much unknown outside the circle of enthusiasts.

But the announcement of the Oscar nominations certainly ended that. Whiplash got five nominations, including a nod for Best Picture and a Best Actor in a Supporting Role for J.K. Simmons. (Editing, Sound Mixing and Adapted Screenplay are the others.)

For film nerds like me, the announcement of the Oscar nominations always causes a little scurrying around to pick up films and performances I managed to miss during their regular runs. And since Whiplash sneaked in and out of the MallPlex 21 in just a week, I think most of you probably missed it as well.

With its musical theme (the protagonist is a drummer) and sterling critical reception, I’m looking forward to this one in a big way. And from the movie quotes I’ve read online, it sounds like J.K. Simmons’ role contains some “motivational language” that would put a drill sergeant to shame. And I mean that in a good way; a keen appreciation for imaginative abuse is a mark of high intelligence.

I hope to see you there—The Historic Theater at 7:00 on Tuesday.

Paul Goodwin

p.s. If you need other chances to tick a few Oscar-nominated films off you list before the Awards are broadcast on February 22, you can also see Birdman (discussion on Tuesday, February 17) and The Theory of Everything (discussion on Tuesday, February 24, but you can see it starting on February 20!).