Going Red! #RedAlertRestart

On the evening of Tuesday, September 1, 2020, The Music Hall’s Historic Theater will be lit red for #RedAlertRESTART in support of performing arts industries—across our country and in our own community—that have been uniquely affected by the pandemic. This call to action will take place nationwide with as many as 1,500 buildings across North America lit in red, including our own Historic Theater.
The RESTART Act and the Save Our Stages Act offer economic relief to the live events industry, which has been shuttered since March 2020. Red Alert also advocates for extending Pandemic Unemployment Assistance to provide relief to those without work since March due to COVID-19. Nationwide, 12 million show workers are estimated to be unemployed because of COVID-19, including designers, technicians, programmers, stagehands, and others. Additionally, the movement is to support ExtendPUA.org in its efforts towards the continuation and extension of the Pandemic Unemployment Act to provide relief to those without work due to COVID-19.
As one of the first industries to close in March, live events could be the last sector to re-open due to the COVID-19 crisis.
If you have the means, please consider a donation, join, renew, or upgrade your membership. We understand if that isn’t possible for you at this time; you can still help us by spreading the word about the shows and movies we have coming up. You can also write to Senator Shaheen using the template here on our blog.
Please join us in thanking our dear friends at Malloy Events, who will be lighting up the Historic Theater in red!
For more information, visit:
Extend PUA
Save Our Stages