Help Us Fill The Hall!

We’ve joined up with Gather for the fourth year in a row to fill every seat in the Historic Theater on Saturday, June 23 from 9am-3pm. Fill the Hall benefits Gather’s Summer Meals 4 Kids program, helping to fill the gap when subsidized school meals are not available. They provide 10 meals a week for over 400 children on the Seacoast for the 11 weeks of summer. It takes more than 12 tons of food to do this. We want to get it donated in one day and we invite YOU to join us in this challenge.
Here’s how you can help:
• Bring a bag of non-perishable foods to the theater. Take a picture of the seat and tell all of your friends!
• Go to and donate a monetary gift to the Meals 4 Kids program—$12 will feed a child for a week. It’s as easy as that!
• Round up the neighborhood or your business or social club and donate together. Here’s a flyer to help get you started.
What food is needed:
All types of non-perishable foods are welcomed. Needed items include soup (not condensed), six-packs of raisins, canned fruits and vegetables, tuna and other canned protein, granola bars, baked beans, and low sugar cereals. Small containers of olive oil, ketchup, mayo, and mustard are also on the Summer Meals 4 Kids wish list. Household items such as toilet paper, shampoo, toothpaste, and baby food are also needed.
Donors who don’t want to park can drop bags off with volunteers who will be outside The Music Hall entrance at 28 Chestnut Street. Those who do come in will be encouraged to take a selfie on the historic stage and share their good work with their social networks.
For more info, go here.