Help Us Save Our Stages

You may have heard of the Save Our Stages Act and the movement to help out theaters across the country who have been deeply affected by this pandemic. If you’ve wanted to help but don’t have the means or want to help in other ways, you can send a letter to Senator Shaheen. Below is a template you may use to do so.
Thank you all for your continued support of your local theater and we hope to see you soon!
August 19, 2020
Senator Jeanne Shaheen
60 Main Street
Nashua, NH 03060
Dear Senator Shaheen:
I write today on behalf of The Music Hall to ask you to please support and cosponsor S. 4258, the Save Our Stages Act introduced by Senators Cornyn and Klobuchar to help ensure the survival of independent performing arts venues nationwide.
Located in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, The Music Hall is a landmark destination, an economic driver, and a catalyst for renewal. In a typical year, with 52 weeks of programming, The Music Hall engages 130,000 patrons in the arts and learning, enriching the lives of residents of all ages by bringing a level of performance to the Seacoast that one would otherwise have to travel to see. By offering programming in every season, The Music Hall contributes to making Portsmouth a 12-month destination that is attractive to retirees and young professionals alike, with year-round jobs for service employees, and a local economy that is linked to continual cultural viability.
Supporting The Music Hall, beyond stabilizing the health of this 142-year-old cultural institution, is a substantive step in the effort to ensure economic and social stability for our region. Support for The Music Hall means support for artists, employees, and vendors, as well as local restaurants, shops, and more.
The arts are fundamental to humanity. They inspire us, they bring us joy, they help us to grow and express ourselves, and they build bridges between cultures. Arts venues’ status as beloved institutions, combined with their capacity to build communities and generate economic activity, make them key to our ability to weather this crisis together.
Supporting S. 4258, the Save Our Stages Act will ensure that independent venues including The Music Hall receive the financial assistance needed to outlast this tempest, return to regular programming, and provide our community with transformational experiences while they serve as a key player in reviving our state’s economic vitality.
Thank you for your efforts on behalf of New Hampshire residents.