Help us Fill The Hall

Last year, we didn’t know what to expect when we threw down the challenge to the community to help us fill every seat in the Historic Theater with a bag of nonperishable food to support the Seacoast Family Food Pantry’s Summer Meals 4 Kids program. We knew that people were excited about the idea, and that there were several businesses that offered to serve as drop off locations, but we were completely unprepared for the outpouring of support that we received. We didn’t just fill the all of the seats, we also filled the stage, collecting a total of five tons of food.
This year, because the SFFP’s needs have doubled, we are hoping to double what we collected last year. How can you help us reach this goal you ask? Well, you can stop buy the Historic Theater with a bag of food on June 25 with non perishable items. SFFP is asking for 100 percent juice boxes, peanut butter, tuna and other canned protein, granola bars, low sugar jelly, nuts (small packs), chickpeas, black beans, and low sugar cereals. Small containers of olive oil, ketchup, mayo, and mustard are also on the Summer Meals 4 Kids wish list. Household items such as toilet paper, shampoo, toothpaste, and baby food are also needed. If you don’t want to park/ can’t find parking, you can drop bags off with volunteers who will be outside The Music Hall entrance at 28 Chestnut Street.
If you have time, and find parking, I suggest coming into the theater, take a selfie on stage with all the donations to share on your social networks (we even have a selfie stick), and it’s also our Community Open House where you can take complementary a Historic Tour or a Tech Tour. Make sure to stop by, take a tour, take some selfies, and meet some of the Music Hall staff.
Thank you to all of you who take the time to read my blog each week, and I hope to see you all at Fill The Hall on Saturday, June 25.