Introducing Playbill 2020-21

I interrupt your day to share BREAKING NEWS I know you want to hear: the 2020-21 Playbill is now in the house! Hooray!! Next time you visit The Music Hall, be sure to grab a copy for your coffee table. Not visiting in person? New this season you can peruse a copy on our website! While you’re relaxing on your couch, mute those awful commercials and take a look at the local businesses that support your beloved Music Hall.
This document, including all those who contribute to it, is impressive. And I’m not just saying that because I’m part of the group that puts it together (shout-out to my incredibly talented team!) It carries extra weight this year for me, as I find it wonderfully reassuring to see so many familiar names. Our community is struggling yet we come together to support one another (in this and myriad ways).
A new section reinforces that idea: Stronger Together (pages 90-92). These pages feature a collection of logos from some of our closest community partners, folks who would typically invest in a solo placement but weren’t in a position to do so this year (You can guess why: COVID-related financial and manpower limitations).
Other noteworthy pages belong to some of our biggest supporters, including our Season Sponsors: the Labrie Group (on the inside front cover), Carey & Giampa (on the inside back cover), and Portwalk Place (page 4). Our Box Office Sponsor, B2W Software has a clever spread (pages 2 & 3), while our Contributing Partner, the University of New Hampshire, used their center spread for a gorgeous campus view. The Lighting Center at Rockingham Electric (page 6), Kennebunk Savings (page 8), and Hampton Ford Hyundai (page 65) are also prominently featured.
This season’s Playbill is also noteworthy for its record number of home renovation and enhancement companies. Many of them are regulars, including Auger Building Company (page 33), Chase Construction (page 15), and Piscataqua Landscaping (page 22). But many of them are regular supporters of our Kitchen Tour, an event we were forced to cancel this year. The bulk of these folks elected to redirect their support to the Playbill, and for that we are truly grateful. A special thanks to Amy Dutton Home (pages 24 and 85), Jacquelyn Nooney Landscape (page 70), and all our other friends who doubled up to support both efforts or simply donated their Kitchen Tour sponsorship in recognition of our extreme need.
We thank you for supporting those who support The Music Hall. For the full list, visit the links below!
2020-21 Playbill Participant Directory
2020-21 Corporate Partners