It’s the sweetest time of the year

If you aren’t familiar with what I’m talking about, each year, I enter enter the Discover Portsmouth Center’s annual Gingerbread House Competition and Exhibition as The Music Hall. The first year I entered, I had no idea what I was in for and I decided to build the Historic Theater, what a learning experience that was. My second year, I decided to build the Loft and showcase both the inside and outside, complete with a band. This year, I’m going back to my roots and recreating the Historic Theater.
I don’t want to give away too much, as I have some new fun tricks up my sleeves (also because I’m not really sure James and I are going to be able to master sugar windows… ), but keep an eye on The Music Hall’s social streams for a few sneak peeks. If you think you might want to try your hand at building your own creation, there’s still plenty of time to enter!
Oh, and make sure to mark your calendar for Friday, December 1 to join us at the Vintage Christmas Kick Off party and the opening for Gingerbread House Exhibit at the Discover Portsmouth Center, and while you’re there, make sure to vote for my house!