Members are Family

We on the staff love to see you at shows, programs, and events. We also love to see you out in the community—especially when we catch you taking advantage of the great discounts offered to our members by businesses in Portsmouth and beyond. That’s right, in addition to the ability to purchase tickets before the general public, and discounts on select Music Hall events, members also receive special discounts at more than 30 local restaurants and retailers.
For the most complete and current list of participating vendors, go to our gorgeous new website, hover your cursor over the Membership tab, and click on the Special Offers and Discounts link. And don’t forget: Membership makes a great gift! All these benefits and more, and starting at just $50 for an entire household.
Higher levels of membership come with opportunities to socialize, like invitations to our Book Club, Writers on a New England Stage receptions, Director’s Club gatherings, and so on. Look for more on those events in upcoming magazines, and visit or call the Box Office to join or upgrade, or join us anytime online.