Membership May: Join the Club!

When I moved to the Seacoast, I was moving to a brand new area where I knew no one and didn’t have any pre-existing ties to the community. While I was excited to start a new job at a pretty cool theater in downtown Portsmouth, I had no clue how I was going to meet anyone outside of the walls of The Music Hall. If this sounds even remotely familiar, you know how daunting it can be to meet people in a new area. Fortunately, The Music Hall is full of great ways to meet new people and make friends, even if you’re starting from scratch.
If you can’t get enough of our shows, volunteering is a fantastic way to get involved in the theater. If you’ve been to a performance, you’ve definitely seen our volunteers, whether they’re greeting you in the lobby, showing you to your seat, or answering questions about what’s coming up. We couldn’t do what we do without this dedicated group, many of whom are also members. If you want to learn more about being a volunteer, you can email our fantastic Front of House Team Manager, Jonnie Jordan, at
For the bookworms reading this, I can’t recommend our Music Hall Book Club highly enough. Open to members at the Contributor level and above, this group of bibliophiles meets monthly at Portwalk Place for a discussion about books selected by a rotating cast of moderators. Recent selections have included Homegoing, The Tiger’s Wife, and Point of Graves. Swing by, have a glass of wine, and talk about some interesting books with both new and familiar friends.
And if you want to check out some of the newest and coolest spots around the Seacoast, you should definitely check out our Director’s Club. This group of members at the Patron level and above travels around our community to see restaurants and venues that are about to open, just opened, or just plain awesome. Coming up, we’ll be traveling to The Puddle Dock Restaurant and checking out our newly revitalized space, The Music Hall Lounge, before its opening celebrations. It’s great to be able to check out these fantastic spaces and have a way to network and catch up with friends at the same time.
As we celebrate another Membership Month here at The Music Hall, I’m reminded of the importance of our theater to our community, and not just because we bring world-class performers to the Seacoast. We offer the ability to connect with people face-to-face and form friendships with people from all around the area. I want to thank our members, once again, for all they do for us to make our theater the gem that it is. And especially this month, I want to invite you to join our Music Hall family! If you join, upgrade, or renew your membership this month, a generous donor will match your membership, so this is the perfect time to have twice the impact. If you have any questions about membership, please don’t hesitate to call us at (603) 436-2400, and we’ll be happy to help you. If you see me the next time you’re at the theater, and I hope we’ll see you again soon, please say hello!