#MyMusicHall: Monte Bohanan

We chatted about what led him to TMH, why he loves working here, but the most compelling part of his interview was when he talked about our role in Portsmouth. For those of you who don’t know Monte, he’s Mr. Portsmouth. He is one of the Halloween Parade stewards, super involved with the Greater Portsmouth Chamber of Commerce, one of the people who made Fill The Hall a reality, and a fixture every Saturday morning at the Farmers Market. His commitment to our community shines through in how we market the theater.
We as a staff are so grateful that almost 30 years ago a group of Portsmouth residents banded together to save our Historic Theater from becoming condos, and as Monte reminds us regularly, it’s now our job to better the community around us. Or as he likes to say, “We’re in the community building business, we just happen to run a theater.”