Notes from New York: Looking to 2022

Hi there! I’m Lauren Hodge, Talent Buyer here at The Music Hall. I am based in New Jersey just outside the Big Apple, but as an alumni of Berklee College of Music, New England is my second home. Having just hit six months at The Music Hall in December, I’m so excited to play a role in bringing entertainment to the Seacoast and for what 2022 has in store!
We have quite a mix of shows for a wide variety of interests already on sale in 2022! A few of my must-see shows in early 2022 are Drew Lynch, Aoife O’Donovan, and Rachael & Vilray. I’ve had Aoife O’Donovan on heavy rotation on my work playlist; her new song “Phoenix” is always stuck in my head. If you’ve never heard of comedian Drew Lynch, you can check out his recent special Concussed on YouTube. Whatever event you attend in our Historic Theater, I hope you have a night full of great music and laughter, two of my favorite things!
Right around the corner on January 15, we are attending the Association of Performing Arts Professionals conference (APAP) in NYC. I’m eager to be representing The Music Hall at the conference, as it is one of the biggest in the country for Performing Arts Centers. In meeting with agents and attending showcases, it is a great opportunity to start working on events we can bring to Portsmouth later in 2022 and 2023. I’m looking forward to having Tina and James in my neck of the woods, and I can promise they will not leave without a NY slice of pizza.
As we progress into 2022, the goal at the forefront of my work is to bring in artists who frequent big cities like New York City, so our members can see world-class shows right at home. I’ll be up to visit again soon and I hope to see you in the theater this year!