The Music Hall


Back to School Reading List: Powers, Bierman & Keim, and Kushner

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Citizens Bank to Sponsor a New Series @ The Music Hall Loft Campaign

Citizens Bank to Sponsor a New Series @ The Music Hall Loft

Citizens Bank is the first corporation on board for early, major sponsorship of programming in The Music Hall Loft: The Center for Performing Arts, Literature and Education The Music Hall, soon to expand from its Victorian landmark theater into a downtown Loft space,  recently announced Citizens Bank has signed on as the presenting sponsor for one of the Loft’s new signature series, Writers in the Loft. The bank’s $10,000 sponsorship is the first major funding for a program in the new Loft space, which will open this spring with performances beginning in April, 2011. “Citizens Bank’s early commitment is thrilling. They have stepped forward at a very exciting time for The Music Hall and for Portsmouth,” said Patricia Lynch, Executive Director of The Music Hall. “As one of the Loft’s first sponsors, the Bank has signaled powerfully their support of the arts and demonstrated its support of the community.” Kathleen Reardon,  SVP and Director of Public Affairs & Community Investment at Citizens Bank, got an early look at the Loft space and was impressed with the plan for programming. “The energy around the Loft space and its schedule is compelling.  The Music Hall has debuted many successful programs during the past few years, and we feel confident that the soon-to-be-launched Writers in the Loft series will follow suit,” said Reardon. “This literary program and the Loft space overall will impact the community in very positive ways, giving readers access to authors and the literary arts which they can get nowhere else,” she added. Read More Read More

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