Social on the Seacoast: Last Chance to see the New Woody Allen Flick at The Music Hall

“After last year’s enthusiastic response to Midnight in Paris, we knew we had to show Woody’s latest this summer,” says The Music Hall’s Programming Coordinator Chris Curtis. We’re thrilled to be the exclusive venue for this enchanting romp through Rome by a first-rate ensemble of today’s best actors.”
In the interest of full disclosure, I always enjoy films at The Music Hall more than anyplace else on the Seacoast. It’s so much more fun to be in town than in a mall, in theaters that have architectural flair, and to hang out in the Founders Lobby at the Historic Theater or the big blue bar at the Loft, places where there’s always interesting conversation going on.
As for the movie itself, what’s not to like? The plot is basically a series of humorous vignettes, unconnected to each other yet forming a cohesive whole, that take place in different corners of the Imperial City. Many wonderful actors, including Alec Baldwin, Roberto Begnini, Penelope Cruz, Judy Davis, Jesse Eisenberg, Ellen Page, and Woody Allen himself, animate the screen with stories that range from sweet to surreal to seductive, tinged with the particular brand of narcissistic humor that Woody is known for.
“It’s just relaxed and funny, with only a few outbreaks of either nostalgia or melancholy,” says cinema expert Paul Goodwin, who recently led a post-film discussion group at The Music Hall. “Everyone seemed to like it a lot. It was nice to see Woody himself acting again; his timing is perfect, and he delivers the Woody Allen lines better than any of his clones over the years.”
Don’t miss your last chance to catch To Rome With Love this summer at The Music Hall’s Historic Theater: at 7:30 pm on Tuesday, July 17; Thursday, July 19; Friday, July 20; Saturday, July 21; Sunday, July 22; and Tuesday, July 24—and a 3 pm matinee on Saturday, July 21. Buy Tickets