Sponsor Spotlight: University of New Hampshire

Allison Crosscup: Why is supporting the arts important to the University of New Hampshire?
Mark W. Huddleston: The arts are central to our commitment to inspiring creativity, ingenuity and innovation across the university, from the ways we teach and develop groundbreaking research to the important public outreach programs we bring to the region and beyond.
In the Seacoast in particular, we’re fortunate to see how a thriving arts community supports a great quality of life, culture and economy.
AC: Why does UNH choose to partner with The Music Hall and what value does this partnership bring to the University and its community?
MWH: Our recently expanded partnership reflects a longstanding, robust and growing relationship between the Music Hall and UNH. As our institutions each realize remarkable success, we find ourselves collaborating more often and more closely. So, in many ways, this is a natural next step.
AC: In what ways does our partnership help support the vision and mission of the University?
MWH: For UNH, being a contributing partner helps us fulfill our mission at every level. It helps us recruit talented students, faculty and staff who place a high value on living and working in an area that cherishes a healthy arts and creative culture. Our students, for instance, enjoy free admission to Music Hall films and discounted tickets to select shows. And our buses provide free transportation to downtown Portsmouth. Our faculty and alumni appear as expert panelists for Music Hall discussions. Many alumni also live and work in the area, including entrepreneurs who have started some of the area’s finest restaurants and other businesses that support the arts community. Finally, the Music Hall is also a great venue for bringing together UNH alumni and business partners to meet, network and celebrate our important milestones.
AC: Is there anything else you would like to add?
MWH: Together, UNH and the Music Hall make the Seacoast an exciting, vibrant and beautiful place that draws people to live, work, visit and learn. This great collaboration defines the Seacoast’s quality of life at its finest.