Staff Highlights: Sara Turner

Yet another massively creative and kind coworker of ours is Sara Turner, our Institutional Giving Manager & Corporate Liaison. Let’s hear more about the power of the pen, nonprofits, and the School Days Series!
Can you tell us how you found your way to The Music Hall and how long have you been here?
I’ve been at The Music Hall for four years now. Not long by TMH standards, but I’m certainly no longer a newbie. I’ve been in the field for many years though, working in a number of development (fundraising) offices since I finished my Masters in Arts Management back in the early 2000s. I’ve worked at organizations in the Northeast, mid-Atlantic, and Midwest in education, disability services, and the arts.
Can you tell us more about the importance of grants and funds for nonprofits, and if there are any organizations you love?
I’ve always believed in using your resources to make a difference, and I think that’s what I appreciate most about corporate and foundation fundraising. These folks have funds and the desire to distribute those funds to nonprofit organizations that support vital communities. My job is to find ways to connect these funders with Music Hall projects that inspire them!
As for organizations I love, there are so many foundations that are working hard to make New Hampshire and the Seacoast a better place to live; I won’t name names, but I love them all.
On a personal level, I get a thrill out of those foundations that challenge me, particularly the ones who want highly detailed responses to their questions in an incredibly limited space. How The Music Hall will change the world, in 150 characters? I got this.

You’re a great writer and have authored many grants, blog posts, and magazine pieces for us. Tell us more about why the power of the pen prevails?
Aww, shucks. Thank you! I enjoy writing; it’s my preferred mode of communication because it affords me the time to collect my thoughts, to be precise, and to revise. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but I find just a few words have the power to create a mood, or circulate a powerful thought, or preserve a memory. (But don’t tell that to the editor of our monthly magazine. Tell her I need more space for my word babies; I have so many to nurture!)
What are your favorite acts to see?
You may know from a few of my blog posts that I love School Days Series performances. At first, the theater is noisy, buzzing with energy and excitement. When the lights go down, the kids hoot for a minute and then everyone gets quiet. Once the show begins, you can feel them all get sucked into the action. I’ve brought my daughter to a handful of these matinees but I’ll sneak in without her as well. The experience delights me so much; it’s one of the reasons I love The Music Hall.