Take home a piece of Cuba

As I started to do my research on the photographer that had donated this amazing piece, I learned that it was Andrew Moore. A world renowned artist whose work had featured in everything from the New York Times to Harper’s Magazine and everything in between. Know for large format photography, he specializes in studying societies in transition such as Detroit, Russia, and Cuba.
As I learned more about Andrew, I learned that when he first started taking photos in Cuba, it was to document Havana’s decaying theaters. As many of you know, our beloved Historic Theater had gone through a period where it was almost condemned. Once I discovered this, I learned that Andrew had documented many theaters who had been abandoned just before they were demolished. It seemed only fitting to feature his beautiful work in an auction to help maintain a Historic Theater.
Don’t miss your chance to have your very own original photo from an artist who shares our love for preserving historic theaters in any way possible.