Thank you for reading
While I’m so excited for my next chapter, and am looking forward to the adventures that it’s sure to bring, I’m also a little bit sad to close out this part of my story. I have learned so much over my time here, and have gotten to see some amazing shows, but what I’m going to miss most are the people.
Working here, for Patricia Lynch was a master class in not just being a visionary, but navigating the world around me. She will now be the yardstick that I measure bosses by and I will take the lessons that I’ve learned with me, and hopefully, I’ll be able to teach them one day.
People in nonprofits say this all the time, but in this case, I really believe it’s the truth, we have the very best members and sponsors. To see how invested all of you are and how much love you have not just for the theater but all of the people who work here is inspiring, and makes it such a great place to work.
My coworkers here have become like family. I’ll miss not having you all to talk sports with as I walk in the door or help me pick what pair of shoes to wear for the welcome speech. Although, I’m sure you’ll all be relieved to have a little less Taylor Swift music in your lives, don’t worry, I’m still going to pop in with the latest Taylor news.
To all of you who have read this blog for the last almost four years, you’ve helped me develop my voice, refine my writing, and see how many time I could work Taylor Swift mentions in (Wes, that makes two…).
Gail, thanks for always being my cheerleader, editor, and shopping supporter.
The best news, is this great organization is now looking for a new employee. Check out the job description here and help them fill my chair with someone fabulous!