The Innovation + Leadership Series Has a Mission

At The Music Hall, we are more than a theater. We have a mission to give back to the community, our home. Through our Innovation + Leadership series, we can do that in the way we know best: through art. Both on screen and on stage, the series explores all topics, from food waste and education, to drug epidemics and sexual assault, to well-being and more.
In New Hampshire, we know too well the effect of the opioid crisis, and sadly it’s often too close to home. We’ve heard from many of you at our previous discussions at The Heroin Effect screening, the Let’s Talk About series in the Loft, and recently at June’s screening of The Peacemaker. This month, we invite Beth Macy, author of Dopesick, to the Loft for an in-depth look at how this crisis affects families and first responders alike, and where we go from here. Dopesick is the only book to fully chart America’s 20+ year struggle with opioid addiction. This topic is immensely important for The Music Hall and we hope you will join us on August 21 for this incredible event.
Our planet needs our attention, too: between waste and destruction, the sustainability of this planet is one of the most critical topics covered. On August 30, Eating Animals will discuss the consequences of factory farming and the benefits of ethical farming in this documentary based on Jonathan Safran Foer’s bestselling book and narrated by Natalie Portman. In June’s International Ocean Film Tour, we saw six short films of our impact on the ocean alongside action footage of water sports and humans battling this epic force. But it doesn’t end there: The Music Hall shows out-of-this-world films that explore space with young, aspiring astronauts and a famous scientist with a mission to save the world.
And through it all, we must find hope. Authors Angela Duckworth and Ann Hood remind us that we have to fight for the things we want and to cherish what we have, like food, family, and love. In Duckworth’s Grit, we learn the power of perseverance behind-the-scenes of some of the most trying careers and most successful people. And in Hood’s collection of personal essays, Kitchen Yarns, she explores ways to combat grief with camaraderie, craft, and a good meal (something we can all get behind).
Join us at one of our upcoming Innovation + Leadership events and help us make a lasting impact on the world and our hometown.