The Gift of Magic

I talk a lot in this blog about how our goal as an organization is to ensure that The Music Hall is accessible to everyone, and I am so proud that this year we launched our Give the Gift of Magic campaign. With your help, we are able to provide tickets to Beauty and the Beast to families in need as identified by Families First Health and Support Center. To be a part of something that brings joy to the people who need it most, is such a rewarding aspect of my job.
We have been blown away by the generosity of this community and are so thrilled to be able to give tickets to so many families. If you want to help us spread some holiday magic, you can donate here. Today is the last day that we’ll be collecting donations. To those of you who have donated to this. Thank you all so much! It’s because of all of you and your support that we get to do so much community outreach.
Also, if you haven’t gotten your tickets to Beauty and the Beast there are still some great seats left. You don’t want to miss this!