Valentine Wishes

This Valentine’s Day, it’s time to share our love and appreciation. For you, our members. For our major donors and Corporate Partners. For our state representatives who allocated CARES Act funds to The Music Hall and fought for the Save Our Stages Act. For everyone who contributed to our Emergency Relief Fund. For those of you who weren’t able to contribute, but stayed in touch. For those of you who increased your support this year, allowing time to let others recover. Thank you. The love and support we have felt these past months have buoyed our spirits.
Corporate Partners, we will be forever grateful to those of you who were able to step up and support us these many months as we worked to maintain a presence in our community, provide socially-distanced entertainment, retain our core group of arts professionals, and demonstrate our gratitude to our devoted friends and family.
This season we have been humbled to receive renewed support from several of our longest standing sponsors. The River House restaurant of the Labrie Group, our first-ever Season Sponsor, is celebrating their 10th year in this lead role. Also marking significant anniversaries are Harbour Women’s Health (20 years), TMS Architects (20 years), and Piscataqua Savings Bank (19 years).
We are fortunate to welcome new sponsors as well, including Market Square Architects, PARMA Recordings, and Sheehan Phinney, all of whom signed on for the first year this season. We offer special thanks to Paul and Jessica McKeon, who, recognizing the need, signed on to underwrite the Stage Door Cabaret series.
This is also the perfect opportunity to acknowledge a handful of our unsung superstar sponsors. Please join us in thanking Auger Building Company, Lake Street Advisors, Meredith Village Savings Bank, and Summit Supply. While our major programming is on hold, these Corporate Partners have been patiently waiting in the wings, uncredited, while still carrying the load. Other key donors who have been on stand-by for recognition include Avery Insurance; Eastern Bank; Leone, McDonnell and Roberts, PA; Petersen Engineering; and ReVision Energy. We must also sing the praises of the University of New Hampshire, our Contributing Partner, who renewed their support and committed to strengthening our programs with an investment of time and talent.
Our new partners, and our partners who were able to increase their support, provided relief to let others recover. We look forward to reconnecting with those who had to step back this year, including our good friends at C&J Bus Lines. Support means more than financial contributions; we appreciate their advocacy on our behalf, at the federal, state, and local levels. We consider you all to be members of The Music Hall family, a designation that endures!
We miss our wonderful gatherings, the full houses where we share community, unique experiences, and access that delights. We know as well, that the need for our education and outreach services will be greater than ever as we emerge from this pandemic. Because of you, we are confident that The Music Hall will continue to be key to Portsmouth’s future as a bustling, vibrant downtown. We look forward to the time when it is our turn to contribute to the renewed vitality of our Seacoast region, providing uplifting experiences and building the community social capital that will make the hard work ahead manageable. We thank our corporate partners – and you! – for making this possible.
Cupid couldn’t have found The Music Hall a better match.