What’s So Funny About Christmas?! An Interview with Juston McKinney

Q: What’s your favorite thing about Christmas in Portsmouth— your hometown?
A: There is no better place for Christmas. I lived in Los Angeles for five years and it just wasn’t the same—fake trees, fake snow, fake breasts. After a while you get tired of the fake trees and fake snow.
Q: What’s your favorite thing about performing at The Music Hall?
A: Bringing together such a talented group of entertainers and being able to share it with my hometown. And doing it in such a great historical venue.
Q: What can fans expect that’s new this year?
A: At least half of the show will be completely new material. Some fan favorites, like “Greyhound Bus to Portsmouth” and “Can You Keep A Secret Santa…I Re-gifted,” we have to do again.
Q: What’s important about keeping our sense of humor during the holiday season, especially in New England?
A: The holidays are stressful enough with families and all the usual stuff. Throw in the possibility of a snowstorm or a power outage or a bridge closure, and you need to laugh. They say laughing will help you live longer. So if you have relatives you’re not too fond of, don’t bring them.
Q: What else are you up to these days?
A: I am writing and developing a pilot about a volunteer fire department in the fictitious town of Effingwoods, New Hampshire, based on a series I produced with Seacoast natives Marc Dole and Stan Pavuk. Denis Leary of Rescue Me fame saw an episode and loved it, so his production company is on board.
Check out the rest of the comedians on the showpage here.