Our Commitment to Community

“The Music Hall reconnects audiences and communities with creativity, purpose, art, and life.”
Ken Burns

As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, we are part of and supported by the Seacoast community, so it is essential for us to give back. For more than 35 years through active educational initiatives live and on-screen experiences, thousands of people have participated in presentations, conversations, workshops, masterclasses, and children’s theater.

In Portsmouth, the “City of the Open Door,” we strive to be the Great Room for all, offering our stages to help other organizations further their missions, either in collaboration with or by extending heavy nonprofit discounts. By working with those with similar missions to ours across the Seacoast, we are stronger together. 

We’re proud to serve our community in a vital role. Our scope may be global, but our heart is local.


The framework that we use to talk about all our outreach and education offerings

Fill the Hall Food Drive

Every June we partner with Gather to fill the Historic Theater with food donations.
© Julia Russell

Give the Gift of Holiday Magic & Music

Each year your donations allow us to purchase tickets to our holiday musical for those that otherwise couldn’t afford it.
Umalali with AIR girls

Expert Seminars

Students and lifelong learners have the opportunity to work in small groups with a world-renowned performer.

School Days Scholarship

The School Days Series Scholarship Program provides show tickets, busing, and lunch for students from qualifying Title I schools.

Partnerships & Collaborations

We collaborate with innovative organizations in the community to bring you the best in entertainment.

Community Partners

We partner with many nonprofit organizations to host their fundraisers, building capacity throughout the Seacoast.

From Our Blog

Spring brings books, authors & rock stars to The Music Hall!

This morning, the air felt much warmer than 37 degrees and I could already see some green poking through in my garden.

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