Winner of 13 audience awards. Inspired by the true friendship that writer and director Tracie Laymon found with a stranger when looking for her father online.

Often playing the role of caretaker to people like her father who should be caring for her, Lily Trevino longs for a familial connection, having been abandoned by her mother as a child and then suddenly by her father in her twenties.

Bob Trevino works long hours alone at a construction company to support his wife Jeanie’s scrapbooking habit. The couple has endured a lot in the past decade, and Bob has sought to put his wife first, to the point of ignoring his own feelings and need for friendship, meaning, and connection, That is, until he gets an unexpected Facebook message from a stranger.

Lily and Bob’s blossoming friendship becomes a vital source of connection and healing in both their lives. Bob’s small acts of fatherly kindness fill a familial void in Lily’s life and hold the power to change her direction forever. In their own ways, these two must both learn they are worthy of extraordinary love exemplified through small acts of kindness.

Like its heroine, the comedy can be bright and bouncy and frequently funny. But also like her, it’s secretly a tearjerker, and never more effectively than when it’s at its very sweetest. -Hollywood Reporter

Do we “like” it? We love it. -IndieWire

Writer/director Tracie Laymon takes this potentially silly premise and grounds it with humor and emotion, making it one of the most moving movies I have seen in years. -Pajiba

Ferreira makes for a strong leading lady, great at comedic timing but full of emotional resonance in these sad scenes about a twentysomething struggling with parental trauma. -Daily Beast

This film embraces a hopeful path, expressing with absolute sincerity that believing in the humanity of others is essential to healing. -Screen Rant

With a hat trick of strong performances from Barbie Ferreira, John Leguizamo, and French Stewart, this wonderfully personal story is filled to the brim with a seemingly endless reservoir of laughs and tears. -Collider

‘PG-13’ 102min

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