Since its premiere at the Sundance Film Festival BROTHER OUTSIDER has introduced millions of viewers around the world to the life and work of Bayard Rustin — a visionary strategist and activist who has been called “the unknown hero” of the civil rights movement. A disciple of Gandhi, a mentor to Martin Luther King Jr., and the architect of the 1963 March on Washington, Rustin dared to live as an openly gay man during the fiercely homophobic 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. Presented in partnership with Seacoast Outright and Dover High School Project Dream (Diversity. Respect. Education. Advocacy. Mission.).
For Extraordinary Cinema screenings, capacity is limited to 50 people per show. Anytime patrons are not seated in the theater, masks are to be worn. All staff and volunteers will be in masks and taking safety precautions for fellow staff members and our patrons.
Visit our Reopening page for additional details on our safety protocols in place to protect you, our staff, and our volunteers.