A community Zoom call.

With January’s theme of Promise, we want to honor our promise to you—to be a place where you can gather and meet people in your local creative community. So this month we’re breaking from our typical talk format for us to come together in the spirit of connection and sharing.
We miss you and would love to hear from you. What’s going on with you? What new projects and opportunities are you excited about? What topics or speakers should we consider? What do you want and need from CMPKX this year?
January is the perfect time to make a promise to yourself, to your community—let’s get together (on Zoom) and catch up!
About CreativeMornings PKX
CreativeMornings PKX (Portsmouth, Kittery, & Beyond) is a local chapter of the global breakfast lecture series for the creative community founded by Tina Roth Eisenberg (@swissmiss). We meet once a month on a Friday morning from 8:30 – 10am. Every meeting will feature a local speaker on the month’s topic and is free and open to the public.