Unmasked: Coming OUT
from behind the mask.

We’re back! Join us for our first virtual event with Angel Simone!
We believe our identity is the persona we present to the outside world. The word “persona” means “outward or social personality”. A word coined by Carl Jung, to mean “theatrical masks worn by actors”.
I never considered myself an actress, but I am a good one! I lived my life playing a role that allowed me to fit in, to be accepted. This role protected me from rejection and the fear of not being enough.
Then one day the show was over… I discovered “I cannot speak my truth and at the same time be held hostage by what other people think”. I now had the best role ever, the role of being myself; a role that cost me everything…
In the words of Ralph Waldo “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment”
Watch Live on Friday, July 24!
Live Stream starts: 8:45am
Talk starts: 9:00am
Wrapped up: 10:00am
View on Vimeo to participate in live chat
About Angel Simone
Angel is originally from Liverpool, England, and has her Master’s in Engineering. Over the past 20 years, she has worn many titles, including Programmer, Project Manager, Personal Trainer, Pastor, Speaker, Coach, and most recently Instructional Designer!
Angel is also a Transformational Coach, with a certification as a Professional Life Coach and has recently started a business, Haecceity Quest, an organization committed to journeying with small businesses and individuals to provide coaching, training & branding that support growth and impact.
Connect with Angel
About CreativeMornings PKX
CreativeMornings PKX (Portsmouth, Kittery, & Beyond) is a local chapter of the global breakfast lecture series for the creative community founded by Tina Roth Eisenberg (@swissmiss). We meet once a month on a Friday morning from 8:30 – 10am. Every meeting will feature a local speaker on the month’s topic and is free and open to the public – breakfast snacks & drinks to be provided.