Join us before and after the show for a family-friendly street fair with a magician, face painting, a photo booth, costumed characters, with Kona snow cones, sweets, and snacks on Chestnut Street!
Dan Brown, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Da Vinci Code, presents his new illustrated children’s book and original orchestral music, Wild Symphony!
The Portsmouth Symphony Orchestra will perform Brown’s classical debut for the young at heart as a special benefit presented by the author himself. Wild Symphony, Brown’s first work for orchestra, features twenty-one musical portraits drawn from the animal kingdom. From the joyous rhythms of “Bouncing Kangaroo” to the mysterious melodies of “Wondrous Whale” to the hair-raising harmonies of “Brilliant Bat,” Wild Symphony is a very wild symphony indeed.
Net proceeds from this event will benefit New Hampshire Music Educators Association.