Pandit Debashish Bhattacharya is an award-winning artist who is known throughout the world as the unrivaled master of Hindustani slide guitar. A product of the demanding tradition of the ancient guru-student training system, he has received numerous international awards and accolades, including two Grammy nominations, Billboard Top 10, and the BBC Planet Award.
Rounding out the Ensemble are Debashish’s daughter Anandi, a gifted vocalist and a rising star in her own right, and Debashish’s younger brother Subhasis, who is recognized as one of the greatest percussionists of his generation.
The trio will be performing a captivating mix of traditional and contemporary music that showcases their unmatched musical skills and creativity, all with a deep, intuitive connection and improvisational interplay. The concert consists of a unique tribute to the pioneering Indian recording artists of the early 1900s, a golden era that saw the rise of the first celebrity musicians.
The Ensemble will recreate the spirit and character of these early recordings, with lilting, elegant vocal lines, labyrinthine slide guitar, driving complex rhythms of tabla, and the luminous sparkle of the Swarmandal (small harp). Another major highlight will of course be the ornate stringed instruments of Debashish’s own design. These include the Chaturangui (Chat = 4, ang = color, “gui” from guitar), a 26-string slide guitar; Pushpa Veena (Pushpa = “flower” Veena = “stringed instrument”), a 25-string hybrid of the sarod and slide guitar; and the delicate Anandi, a 4-string slide ukulele.
Listen to Debashish Bhattacharya on Spotify (below).