Dreadnaught’s eclectic blend of rock, jazz, and experimental music has been a hallmark of the seacoast scene for nearly 30 years – 19 of them as house band for The Music Hall’s Writers on a New England Stage series.
Who we are:
Bob Lord (bass), Rick Habib (drums), Justin Walton (guitar)
Where we are:
New Hampshire and Maine
When we started:
What we like:
Long beach walks, argyle, odd meters, fishing, Allen’s Coffee Brandy
What happened:
We played a ton of gigs and made a bunch of records and then in 2017 I think we blew a gasket or something because we released the album Hard Chargin’, which led Relix to call us “the country’s best ‘pure’ prog-rock combo.” That was nice because most people wondered why there were three tunes on the record all named “That’s The Way That You Do It.”
To celebrate 25 years together, in 2021 we released the album Northern Burner, described by The Progressive Aspect as an “instrumental tour de force that is distinctly Dreadnaught right from the off,” which is a polite way of saying that it’s completely nuts.
Our next record, Falling In Love With Dreadnaught, is currently in production for a 2025 release. To be clear, the title is not intended to be ironic, so please stop laughing.