Mountain Guide Benjamin Lieber shares the story of his work as a Himalayan Guide on the world’s highest peaks. In May of this year he successfully guided clients to the summit of Mount Everest (29,029ft.) in Nepal – world’s highest peak. Shortly after, in late July he became the 4th & youngest American to guide clients to the summit of K2 (28,251ft.) in Pakistan – world’s second highest peak. The back to back expeditions totaled nearly 100 days and brought him to the loftiest points of the wildest mountain ranges on Earth. Join us for an evening of stories from the other side of the world.

About Benjamin Lieber:
Benjamin is a Mountain Guide & Professional Climber from the Seacoast of NH, now living in Alaska. Nearly a decade ago he radically changed his life to focus on mountain climbing. Since then, climbing has taken him to summits on six continents with over more than thirty expeditions. As a mountaineering guide, work has become a challenging & captivating pursuit on the world’s highest peaks in remote Asia and as far south as Antarctica. With a passion for ice climbing & alpine climbing, Alaska has become home. Benjamin is a professional athlete at Mountain Hardwear.

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