Lindsey Buckingham is one of the most inventive and electrifying musicians of his generation. His instinct for melody and his singular fingerpicking guitar style are showcased on the seven studio and three live albums he has released as a solo artist, beginning with 1981’s Law and Order and continuing through this year’s Lindsey Buckingham, his first solo release since 2011’s Seeds We Sow. Over the last four decades, Buckingham has developed a radical sense of experimentation and an unrivaled savvy as a producer, skills he first honed as a singer, guitarist, songwriter, producer, and the musical visionary of Fleetwood Mac, where he wrote and produced several Top Ten hits, including “Go Your Own Way” and “Big Love.” Under Buckingham’s direction, Fleetwood Mac became one of the best-selling and most beloved rock groups of all time. As a solo artist, Buckingham often plays nearly every instrument himself; his complex arrangements and inventive production choices make his solo work thrilling to experience. Earlier this year, he appeared on “Caution,” the newest single from the Killers.
COVID Protocols Update
As the number of COVID transmissions continues to rise, we are thankful for your help in keeping our staff, volunteers, artists, and community members safe and healthy.
Effective September 1, 2021, for entrance to Music Hall indoor, full-capacity events (e.g. concerts, comedy, festivals): patrons, staff, and volunteers will need to show proof of full vaccination – 14 days past their final vaccination shot – OR proof of a negative COVID-19 test within three days of the event. Proof of vaccination can be your physical vaccine card or a photo/scan of your card or via an app such as Bindle. Masks are encouraged for everyone. Children under 12 years of age are exempt from this policy but must wear masks indoors. Masks are highly encouraged for those who are unvaccinated.
Please note: Safety protocols for offsite Music Hall events will be developed in conjunction with those venues and will be communicated in advance.
All Music Hall events will be presented in accordance with applicable public health mandates and artist’s requirements as of the date of the event. These could include changes to mask requirements, capacity, attendance prerequisites, procedures, and other protective measures. Thank you for your understanding and support throughout this uncertain time.