Blessed with a beautiful alto voice and grand insight as a songwriter, Melody Gardot overcame a life-threatening bicycle accident early in her career. As amazing as her story is, what is more evident is that she possesses a blues, jazz-oriented style and dusky persona that reflect not only her afflictions but also conversely the hope and joy of making personalized music that marks her as an original.
At age 19, she was hit by a Jeep made an illegal turn, and left in the street for dead. As she lay hospitalized for months with multiple head injuries and pelvic fractures, her love for music was the best therapy she could receive. While in her hospital bed, she wrote and recorded songs that would become the EP Some Lessons.
Upon her eventual release from intensive care, Gardot found the strength and determination to further her career. Hypersensitive to light and noise, she wore dark glasses. On-stage she also required a special seating unit, and often wore a Transcutaneous Electro-Nerve Stimulator to assist in alleviating her neuralgic muscle pain. Despite these hurdles, she recorded her debut full-length, Worrisome Heart, in 2007. Well-received, the album drew comparisons to Laura Nyro, Joni Mitchell, and Eva Cassidy.
In 2021, Melody joined forces with Philippe Powell, composer-pianist and son of Baden Powell, to write a record. He’s like “The Bill Evans of Brazil,” Melody would screech to her colleagues, “… he’s just got that thing that goes so deep…”. This led to the May 20, 2022 release of Entre eux deux. Melody Gardot and Philippe Powell breathe a new life into the classic piano and voice format with their fresh perspectives.
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