With guitarist, Mike Michaels

A modern-day troubadour, Scott Kirby wears many hats as a singer, songwriter, guitarist, and storyteller.
He’s an accomplished, self-taught, finger-style acoustic guitarist with a voice that’s expressive and reminiscent of the ’70s singer/songwriter movement. His music is grounded in coastal life and everyday experiences, emphasizing storytelling and emotional expression over commercial hits. Kirby has shared stages with musical icons like Carole King, Jimmy Buffett, and Tom Rush.
Inspired by legendary songwriters and guided by the likes of Peter Mayer, he recorded his debut album, Too Damn Yankee, with Peter and Jim Mayer and Roger Guth. Kirby’s journey continued with several more albums and struck gold when drummer/producer Russ Kunkel produced his album, Row Me Home, in Los Angeles.
His song, Lucky Enough, gained attention on Sirius/XM Radio Margaritaville, expanding his reach across the country. Kirby co-founded the Smokin’ Tuna Saloon in Key West, FL and played there during the winter months. He also helped establish the Key West Songwriters Festival.
Scott Kirby’s musical journey, spanning ten albums, embodies the spirit of a modern-day troubadour, capturing the essence of his coastal roots and everyday life. His latest album, Dream of Your Life, was released in April 2023, adding another chapter to his storied career.